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As soon as Tara fainted on Aayansh's chest, he looked at her face once and the very next moment, he lifted her on his shoulder.

He turned on the Bluetooth connected to his ear and slowly murmured "Blast Rivaan.", just then a very loud sound of explosion was heard because the blast happened in the elite area of Jindal Mansion.

Within seconds of this event, chaos broke out in the whole mansion. Arsh who was coming towards Tara's room, after hearing this sound he immediately took out his phone and called luca while he was still heading towards Tara's room, as he knew that it might be a trap also.

Luca picked up the call within a single ring and before he could utter a single word, Arsh said in a very cold tone "I already Warned you luca, that fcker is here and it's his trap. Handle everything. Kisi ko ek kharonch bhi nahi aani chahiye."

{No one should suffer a scratch}

Saying this he disconnected the call while his impatient steps were still forwarding towards Tara's room.

Here unaffected of all this, Aayansh picking Tara on shoulder made his way out of the room. No one was permitted to come to Tara's floor so no one was here yet. But the cameras of outer corridors were active for safety reasons.

Aayansh unbothered by the cameras, was headed towards the outer exit of the mansion. A devilish smirk appeared on his face when he saw Arsh coming towards that same corridor with immediate steps.

"See you soon brother in law." Saying this he indicated Rivaan through Bluetooth and another minor blast happened in the area between the outer exit and that corridor.

Arsh who was heading towards the same corridor, after this blast, It took him no time to understand that it is all planned.

After reaching Tara's room, Arsh scanned every corner of it but didn't get a little trace of her. His jaw tightened and expressions became deadly. Without wasting a second he called luca again.

"Just block every entrance and exit of Jindal Mansion Luca, no one should leave without my permission. I couldn't find Tara." He commanded him as soon as he picked up the call.

"Just block the whole damn New York, I want my Tara safe otherwise I'll burn you all Alive this time." He added breathlessly before hanging up the call.

Within minutes of his command, every minor to the major city of New York was blocked and the police force became active.

The sophisticated personalities and elites present there were making their assumptions as Jindals were one of the most powerful and reputed families, and this sudden event shook everyone to the core. Within no time, this news spread like wildfire.

"Do anything that you want Jose, I want my daughter to be safe at any cost." Dhairya shouted on call.

Arsh who was scanning every camera of Jindal Mansion, got disrupted when a notification popped out on his phone. His fists clenched and nerves taut.

"Manage here everything." He ordered luca and left from there impulsively.

Feeling my head heavy, I slowly opened my eyes and my gaze fell on the glass ceiling. I found myself laying on a king size bed, I immediately got up and looked around me as soon as I remembered what happened a while ago.

I was in a master bedroom which was dark yet a little scary for me, fortunately the door was open. I tried to assemble myself and took a step down from the bed, I got up and left the room with immediate steps.

While walking through the corridor, I glanced here and there to seek out for help. This villa was very big but I couldn't see anyone. I felt myself panicking but eventually tried to calm down as this is not the time to be scared.

Everything in this villa was giving me scary and negative vibes as it was all so dark yet luxurious. There was a scary silence throughout and the Only sound I could hear was my footsteps.

I might be scared, but not weak!

I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. After few minutes of walking, I finally found a way out of this corridor. I paused for a moment to normalise my breath, But before I could step further, I felt someone's arms around my waist and head over my shoulder.

My eyes widened with shock and steps froze in their places.

"Fireheart is caught very badly." These words reached me as I felt someone's lips touching my ear, sending shivers throughout my body.

I closed my eyes tightly and grabbed my gown into my fists as his lips were moving throughout my neck, he was assaulting my skin impulsively. I felt strange sensation within my body, a mix of fear and longing.

He was almost dominating my body and somewhere my mind too, and I could feel but couldn't resist that, And I was cursing myself for this.

"Dโ€” don't please." I stuttered slowly, trying hard to control my uneven breath.

He turned me towards him and I lifted my head only to meet my eyes with his addictive gaze, staring at me with some untold desires.

For a moment, I lost in the intensity of theย  deepness and serenity of his eyes, calm as ocean and scary as darkness. My eyes travelled through his face, I started taking steps backwards.

"Leave me, Youโ€” You kidnapped me! What do you want from me ?" I asked him.

"You, And every aspect of you." He whispered, his steps were heading towards me.

"Shut up, I already told you that I was not my senses, I don't know how I came in that room... I just don't know anything. That was just a mistake, please just let me go." I uttered breathlessly.

"Mistake, interesting! You know what fireheart, if fucking you was a mistake... Then I'll love to repeat that again and again." He almost came near me.

"Dโ€” Don't you dare to touch me." I retorted and tried to get away from him, just then he pinned me against the nearest wall and bent over my face. My heart skipped a beat and breath started racing as there was no distance between our faces.

I closed my eyes tightly and grabbed his shirt in my fists as For a moment I felt he'll kiss me, and just the thought of it made my soul tremble.

"I can touch you, kiss you and f'ck you, whenever and wherever I want... And no one can stop me, not even you. But I'm not a coward who'll force you to show my masculinity." Hearing His cold and deep voice, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

I opened my eyes and lifted my face and found him already staring at me, I looked into his eyes for a moment. I don't know what I was searching in his eyes, but the only thing I could see was desires.

"Lโ€” Let me gโ€”go please." Tears came out of my eyes, as I spoke.

"Never." His replied in an instant.

"What do you want? You want to kill me or did you bring me here just to f'ck me?" I yelled, my tone laced with a mix of hatred and anger.

"You don't know about my daddy and bro, they'll bury you alive if anything happens to me." I warned him.

A devilish smirk appeared on his face and he said "And you don't know who Aayansh Oberoi is."

Once again my heart skipped a beat after hearing this name from his mouth. This was the one person I hated most, not because he was my brother's enemy but he was a sadist criminal.

"Aaโ€” Aayansh Oberoi." I repeated his words with a mix of anxiety and shock.

"Exactly, the one who took your virginity that night, whose name you were screaming in pain and pleasure and the one who owns you." He said with a smirk on his face and here my mind started struggling to figure out what just happened.

This man, I hated even his existence since the day I heard his name for the first time. And now he was standing in front of me, dominating me and I was helpless.

"Oh, now I got it! you kidnapped to blackmail my bro." I furrowed.

"Correction fireheart! I didn't kidnap you... I claimed you as mine, Only mine!" I could sense the warning in his cold tone.

In an instant saying this, he picked me in his arms and I started shouting and punching his chest to get off from him. But all my efforts were worthless as he remained unaffected.

"Leave me, I f'cking hate you... I'll kill you." Once again my eyes filled with tears. I was cursing myself a thousand times, for that one night as I could see everything shattering in front of my eyes.

He remained unaffected by my tears and I was looking at his face with blurry vision of my tear filled eyes. After entering that same room, he threw me in bed and I slid back until my head collided with the headrest.ย 

Just then He rested one of his knees in bed and grabbed my neck, looking deeper into my eyes he said "Don't do anything that will make me punish you." His tone was cold enough to make me tremble. Saying this he pecked my cheek and left the room.

After a few minutes of crying and sobbing, I wiped out my tears and assembled myself and stood up once again.

You are not weak Tara, you are not a cry baby!ย 

"He didn't lock the room." I slowly murmured after seeing the door open. A ray of hope arose inside me. I went towards the door but my steps automatically stopped when something hit my mind.

Arsh who was driving the car, immediately applied the brakes when a black car suddenly stopped in front of his car.

Aayansh stepped out of that black car, both his hands were in his pockets as he stood leaning against the bonnet of his car, looking towards Arsh with a slightly tilted head.

After seeing aayansh in front of him, Arsh stepped out of his car impulsively. His nerves were absolutely taut and his anger could be sensed in his expressions.

"Welcome!" Aayansh spoke as he took out a cigar and pressed it between his lips.

"Where is my sister? I'll f'cking kill you if I found a minor scratch on her." Arsh uttered in a very stiff tone.

"Manners AJ Manners! Keep your voice down. I hate when someone raises voice in front of me." He lit the cigar and said in a carefree yet cold manner.

Here Arsh pointed his gun at him and said "I'm asking you last time, where is my Tara... Tell me or else I'll kill you right here."

"Don't just speak, better act!" Aayansh said with a smirk while puffing on a cigar.

"Don't test my patience Aayansh, you shouldn't have involved my sister in all this." Arsh said calmly.

"Let me remind you something, it was you who started it! And now it's Aayansh OBEROI's turn." He stated while heading towards Arsh.

"I promise I won't hurt her, but but but... If you can't find her within 24 hours, then you'll see her Shattering in front of your eyes."

"And you very well know that AAYANSH OBEROI is a man of his words." He said in a clear warning tone.

"I'll not leave you." Arsh's fists clenched as he spoke.

"Time is running AJ, better value it!" Aayansh said with a smirk, he got in his car and left.

"Stop behaving impulsively Arsh, Tara is with him! I want my daughter to be safe, we can't take a chance." Dhairya tried to explain Arsh.

"He won't do anything to Tara, otherwise I won't leave him alive this time." Arsh spoke as he was doing something on his laptop.

"He's not a normal man Arsh, he rules over the whole underworld!" Dhairya put forward his point.

Before arsh could say anything, Just then luca entered saying "Boss, I got a location!"

Arsh immediately headed towards him and took the tracker from his hand.

"It's an underground location, in outer New York!" He slowly murmured while his gaze was still fixed on the tracker.

"Boss this area is a restricted area, I got information that some illegal experiments take place here." Luca exclaimed.

"Don't be so foolish, it might be a trap! You know nothing goes straight in the underworld, it's quite unsafe." Dhairya uttered in a tense tone.

"I don't care dad." Saying this Arsh left from there and Luca followed him.

After an hour of driving, Arsh reached that location. It was midnight time so the whole place was covered with darkness. He headed his steps towards the underground stairs leading to a space made for some illegal experiments, Luca followed him.

Dim yellow lights were guiding their way as they entered the inner space where such activities took place. As soon as they reached there, one of the men present there shot on arsh, but fortunately the bullet just grazed his shoulder and passed.ย 

In an instant, Arsh shot right between the eyes of that man and here luca handled the other men while arsh made his way ahead.

He cast his eyes around and his eyes stuck on the automatic door which was locked with a password.

He frustratedly heaved a sigh punched on nearest wall, just then something clicked in his mind. He headed towards the door and entered the password, and fortunately the door opened.

He entered inside the room and looked around, it was a pure experiment and there was nothing except a stretcher, The whole room was white.

Finding nothing in the room, He proceeded to go out and just then he heard a heart melting sound of a girl who was sobbing.

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